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ESSAM schools

EMS summer schools in applied mathematics (ESSAM) is a series of summer schools organized yearly under the European Mathematical Society banner.

ESSAM Kácov school

ESSAM Kácov school includes two biennial international schools, one with the focus on mathematical modelling, numerical analysis, and scientific computing (MASC), and the another focusing on mathematical fluid mechanics (MAFF), taking place at Kácov (Czech Republic) in alternating years.


Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Flows

  • Period: every two years, organized in odd-numbered years, starting from 2017
  • Next school: May 30 - June 4, 2021; number of participants 40-60
  • Web page: http://essam-maff.cuni.cz
  • Description: Usually four main speakers deliver a series of three or four lectures on recent mathematical (PDE) theories relevant to processes involving fluids. This is a very broad field and the school aims to provide different possible views on solving theoretical problems in fluid mechanics and related areas. Ample time within the school is allocated for the promotion of informal scientific discussions among the participants.
  • Scientific Committee:
    • Miroslav Bulíček (Charles University in Prague)
    • Eduard Feireisl (Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, Prague)
    • Ondřej Kreml (Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, Prague)
    • Josef Málek (Charles University in Prague)
    • Antonín Novotný (University of Toulon)
    • Milan Pokorný (Charles University in Prague)
    • Mirko Rokyta (Charles University in Prague)
    • Michael Růžička (University of Freiburg)
    • Vladimír Šverák (University of Minnesota)
  • Technical support:
    • Hana Bílková
    • Martina Kratochvílová
    • Oldřich Ulrych
  • History: This is an existing school that runs since 1991. The first ten schools were organized at Paseky, and the last four (since 2009) at Sporthotel Kácov. The webpage providing all details concerning previous schools (since 1997) is available at http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/paseky-fluid/